Thursday 2 April 2020

Time Flies

It's been eight years since I have not written anything. But it seems that it was just like yesterday when I wrote my previous post, but there is only one thing which is making me realise that it's been long time that I have not written anything, it's "nothing to find what to write". In these eight years I have enjoyed and learnt many new things. There is nothing like good or bad in your life. It's just an experience. You always learn some lesson from your experience. It may be good or it may be bad. There are various ups and downs in the life but what we can focus is on that life goes on and we should be positive all the time. We should always show gratitude for what we have.. We can have whatever it is that we choose. I don't care how big it is. Always live in present and never forget the lessons you have learnt. We can get anything which we focus on. Stay healthy and happy